Monday, August 12, 2013

[NEWS+PIC] G-Dragon spotted on the streets of London!

Big Bang's G-Dragon was recently spotted on the streets of London!

Dressed in casual streetwear surrounded by what seems to be staff members, he exudes a carefree vibe even in the busy metropolitan environment.

His appearance was captured by a London fashion warehouse, The Vintage Store, on its Instagram account. "It's a Korean popstar takeover! @gdragonyg [allkpop note: G-Dragon's Instagram is actually @xxxibgdrgn] filming outside store today," the store posted, confirming that this wasn't just a vacation jaunt for the K-Pop star.

Could this possibly be a filming session for a new release by the ever-eccentric and eclectic G-Dragon? Stay tuned for more!

Source: allkpop
Photo credit: @gdragonquoter, @hafsasharif_, @mharaaa

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