Tuesday, September 4, 2012

[Star of the Week] [Song Review] G-Dragon Messes Around on ‘One of a Kind’

The good (or bad) thing about G-Dragon is that you never know what to expect from him.

The ‘intro’ to his long-awaited next solo album, One of a Kind, is out, and immediately you notice that this time, it’s not about the flashy lights are or how excited he can get you. He takes his time when he needs it, and though you can’t understand what he’s saying half of the time in your first few listens of this song, you get the message; he’s cool, he knows it and he is indeed one of a kind.

No fancy sounds cover up for this single. He sits you down in the middle of a simple, droning backdrop and confronts you only with his voice and his flow.

At times he apologizes and at times he begs for love, but you can tell that though he seems apologetic on the outside, what’s hiding inside is that fun rascal we’re all used to seeing.

He’s as serious as the reeling background sounds and the sudden high tone break he takes in the middle. He also throws the criticisms back at whoever threw them at him in the first place in a bold move, pretending to listen but then brushing them off as if to say, “So you hate me? I’m sorry. Are we cool now?”

Make sure to check out One of a Kind with its music video, because it seems they’re meant to be together as One of a Kind will not be released as a separate single (at least for the time being).

The black and white atmosphere, scattered with a few brilliant colors here and there, help G-Dragon define the song yet again with a few disturbing moments here, a little teasing there, but, most definitely with a lot of cool.

Source : BIGBANG,enewsworld

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