Thursday, June 7, 2012

[VOTE] BIGBANG vs. Wonder Girls

Can vote once a day

Big Bang and the Wonder Girls faced off on the music charts with the release of their respective, albums Still Alive and Wonder Party this week, so it’s only appropriate that they go head to head in this week’s K-Pop Battle.

The two groups are credited for setting off the second generation idol group craze, and while the flood of new idol groups have temporarily filled the Big Bang and Wonder Girls-shaped void in our hearts throughout the years, very few idol groups can claim to be game changers in the K-Pop world.

But we want to know where our readers’ loyalties lie, so head over to the K-Pop section and cast your vote in this week’s K-Pop Battle.

Big Bang

Before Big Bang made its debut in 2006, the days of fans going crazy over an idol group were a distant memory as most of the popular boy bands and girl groups of the late 90s and early 2000s had either fizzled out or disbanded.

But, a quiet storm was brewing over at YG Entertainment, and when it finally unleashed its secret weapon Big Bang in 2006, the idol group lived up to its name, blowing up the music scene with its unconventionality.

Big Bang wasn’t unconventional in the way we understand the word today (basically, G-Dragon defined) then, but the group set out and proved to be a new breed of idol.

Unlike the genre-less, oft nonsensical songs of the 90s idol groups, Big Bang debuted with hip hop and R&B tracks We Belong Together and A Fool’s Only Tears, but it wasn’t until 2007 that the group developed a musical style that is uniquely ‘Big Bang’ through smash hit Lies.

The rest is history as every major release, from Last Farewell, Haru Haru, Tonight and Blue, have all charted at number one.

Big Bang’s latest release Monster from special edition album Still Alive claimed the number one spot on music charts upon its release on June 3. The fact that the track has become a hit without the group actively promoting it proves that Big Bang can make a lot of noise based on its name alone.

Source : enewsworld

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