Monday, February 24, 2014


YG Entertainment’s BIGBANG paid a personal visit to Japan for the promotion of Hologram Exhibition.

BIGBANG excited many fans when they visited YG Exhibition in Japan supported by Mitsui Real Estate Agent on Feb 21 in Chiba Prefecture’s Kisarazushi.

YG Exhibition, a large-scale exhibition designed by YG Entertainment, will be held from Feb 22 to April 20 in Mitsui Outlet Park located in Kisarazushi.

Apart from Hologram Concert of BIGBANG, 2NE1 and PSY, YG Collection displays outfits and props used by the artists at actual concerts. Live Photo Service makes the fans feel like they are taking photos with the musicians.

The 3D Hologram premier held on Feb 21, just one day before the launch of YG Exhibition, was joined by 4 members of BIGBANG (T.O.P was busy filming a movie). The members were enthusiastically welcomed. Major Japanese media swarmed in to capture the famous boy band.

BIGBANG participated in the event despite their very busy schedule to raise interest about YG’s 3D Hologram concert that is to be showcased for the first time in Japan.

After BIGBANG went off stage, the 3D Hologram Premier took place, and the hologram images of BIGBANG, 2NE1 and PSY surprised the Japanese fans with their realistic special effects and made them feel like they are at an actual concert.

TV Tokyo, through its own news program WBS News’ Global Watch introduced YG, District and KT collaborated 3D Hologram Screen business on Feb 20. The interview of Japanese fans who actually visited Seoul Dongdaemun’s Hologram Concert Hall KLIVE saying “it’s difficult to tell if they’re real or not” showed how real the show is.

TV Tokyo added, “Korean Wave stars do not need to travel physically for concerts across the globe. Korea is strongly pursuing methods to go beyond simply creating contents, but making those competitive.”

Other major media like Daily Sports, Sankei Sports, Sponichi and Oricon News highlighted the YG Exhibition along with BIGBANG’s personal visit to Japan.

Sankei Sports said, “BIGBANG paid a surprise visit just a day before YG Exhibition. This exhibition has BIGBANG, 2NE1 and PSY’s outfits and props, and also cutting-edge 3D hologram technology concert hall,” while Oricon News, under the headline “BIGBANG working hard,” told the funny story of SEUNGRI when he said “Our live concerts smell because we sweat so much.”

Source: YG Entertainment(OSEN)

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