Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Source: @IBGDRGN

[Music Talk Talk] BIGBANG’s Filming MV for New Song of Aug.

YG’s main producer YANG HYUN SUK dropped a hint about the new song to be released by BIGBANG next month.

Mr. Yang posted on his Instagram in the morning of July 28th a part of the music video for BIGBANG’s new song that will be released next month as part of their digital single “E.” He also posted a close-up image of DAESUNG.

This song is a different one from GD&TOP’s new song “FANTASTIC,” which is also a part of their new single “E.”Some part of the song has been disclosed along with a video clip of a couple jumping on a trampoline. The song features BIGBANG’s unique feel as well as a soft melody line.